Edible Scorpion Recipe Chili Dip

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Edible Scorpion Recipe Chili Dip

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Edible Scorpion Recipe Chili Dip

Chili and Scoprion Dip an Edible Insects Recipe to innovate your appetizer


  • 3 big red chili.
  • 5 cloves of garlic.
  • 2 Black Scorpion  https://www.next-food.net/en/boutique/scorpions-black/
  • 3 shallots.
  • 1 tablespoon of fish sauce.
  • 1/2 scoop of lime juice.
  • 1/2 teaspoon of sugar.
  • vegetables to go with the dish: carrots, baby corn, green beans, paprika and cucumber.


  1. Steam the green beans, baby corns and carrot and set aside.
  2. Remove the 2 claws and the tail of the edible scorpion and set aside.
  3. Re-hydrate the scorpion in hot water for 15 min.
  4. Pass the chilies, garlic and shallots in a pan with a little oil for 10 minutes until grilled.
  5. Once the scorpions are dry, fry them for 1 min.
  6. Finely chop the scorpions.
  7. Place the chili, garlic and shallots in a kitchen mortar and mix well. Add the scorpions prepared before, fish saune, lime and sugar. Mix a little more.
  8. Serve in a bowl, decorate the bowl with the tail and scorpion claws. Place the vegetables to accompany the edible insects


You can replace chilly with Capsicum .

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