Nutella or Chocolate Spread Cricket Flour an Edible Insects Recipe

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Nutella or Chocolate Spread Cricket Flour an Edible Insects Recipe

edible insects, edible insect,cricket powder,cricket flour, entomophagy, insects recipes, edible insects recipes, eat insect, buy insects
Nutella or Chocolate Spread Cricket Flour

This Delicious recipe is pack with cricket flour protein. It is a great way to pass the insect effect. This edible insects recipe will please the kids and the adults.

This recipe is high in cricket flour to maximise the protein, if you choose to use less cricket flour you can reduce the oil. Start with half the amount of oil and add slowly until it becomes a spread.

This chocolate cricket flour recipe is the one that has convince my mother to try edible insects and she loved it 🙂



  1. Roast the hazelnuts until golden brown. Peal when cool down.
  2. Add the hazelnuts in a blender. Blend until it forms a paste.
  3. Add the cricket flour, cocoa powder and powdered sugar. Blend until even.
  4. While blending add the oil,salt and vanilla extract. Mix for a minute.
  5. Store the Chocolate edible insects spread in a airtight container.

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