Edible Tarantula Spider Tempura Recipe-Edible Insects

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Edible Tarantula Spider Tempura Recipe-Edible Insects

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tempura edible tarantula

1. Ingredients:

2. Mix The Tempura batter

  1. Mix the Plain flour, potato starch and baking soda together.  Then you sift the mix.
  2. Break the egg into a bowl and beat it a few times, then add the cold water.
  3. Gradually add the flour mix and beat it with a fork or chopstick.

3.Prepare The Edible Tarantulas

Take you Tarantulas (manipulate gently they are fragile) and with a cooking torch give them a very quick blow to remove body hair. Boil some water and pour it in a bowl. Place the tarantula in the bowl and let it rehydrate for 3 to 5 min. Deep the Tarantulas in the Tempura batter mix.

3.Fry The Tempura Tarantulas

Heat the oil and Deep-fry the Tarantulas, one by one, until they turn lightly brown, about 1 minute. Take the spider from the pan and place it on a paper towel to drain the excessive oil.

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